Valarie Allman Good Luck Video by Modern Icon Media
by Trenton Hoshiko | Aug 2, 2021
Our old friend Valarie Allman won gold in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics Women's Discus event! We were so proud to put together a quick "Good...
Boulder County Juneteenth Celebration Video Produced by Modern Icon Media
by Trenton Hoshiko | Jun 10, 2021
Modern Icon Media is proud to be the video production partner for the 2021 Boulder County Juneteenth Celebration Virtual Event.
Taking Walks To Improve Productivity
by Trenton Hoshiko | Oct 18, 2019
Breaks, walking, and activity are often overlooked tools that help keep us focused throughout the day, maintain or increase productivity...
Goal Setting For Success | Business Mindset
by Trenton Hoshiko | Sep 7, 2019
In the goal-setting process there is often one step that is completely overlooked – and to me it is the most important one. Step 1: Set A...
7 Rules for Mentoring Students
by Trenton Hoshiko | Aug 20, 2019
Mentoring students can be a great initiative for almost any business! It is a great way to revisit specific skills in your job, grow...
6 Important Internship Tips! | Business Mindset
by Trenton Hoshiko | Jul 24, 2019
Internships are a great way for students and many other people to jump into an industry with basic knowledge, and get their foot into the...
What’s It Like To Generate $100k Leads In 2 Months?
by Trenton Hoshiko | Jan 23, 2019
One of Modern Icon Media’s biggest successes of 2018 was helping a local Longmont, Colorado gym generate over $100k in customer...
The Most Important Factors In Any Business
by Trenton Hoshiko | Jan 22, 2019
Many businesses struggle to decide what are the most important things to focus on – especially when they are in startup mode. The most...
Modern Icon Media Blog Launch
by Trenton Hoshiko | Jan 22, 2019
We are very excited to announce the launch of the Modern Icon Media Blog! This blog will cover a variety of topics from updates about our...